I'm back and 2018 resolutions

There are no excuses!

For someone who has always wanted to have their own blog and has loved writing since pen touched paper I have been appalling at keeping up to date with posts. I could tell you all about the chaos of buying a house, selling your old one, birthdays, weekends away, day trips, weaning myself back into work and everything else that has filled my weeks in these last couple months but all I really want to say is that I'm back! I am hoping to be back to my 'blog whenever I get a chance' self but all I can really promise is that there will be plenty of content coming these few weeks.

As well as a few product reviews and favorites, in just a couple of weeks we will be taking baby bear abroad for the very first time so wait for a post all about how well it went (fingers and toes crossed-I keep having dreams getting stopped through security for as they mistake formula for cocaine!) but honestly I am just so excited!! We are returning to exactly where we went the same time last year for our anniversary and I can't wait to see how different it is with our little man. Last year I was pushing five months pregnant and just beginning to really embrace my changing body and realising that finally 'this was REALLY' happening and this year we are taking him with us as a laughing, rolling, sitting, gorgeous little human being!

Aside from that we are busy with house moving preparations in the hope that sometime before spring we will be settled into our new place! We had the most magical first Christmas with baby bear but I am planning a whole post on that so stay tuned and other than that it's just my 2018 new years resolutions to update you on...

I don't really know where I stand with new year's resolutions but whether you love them or hate them come new years eve almost everyone will have one in their head! I have always written mine down but then again I love to write anything...the excitement that washed over me when it came to writing on my new 2018 calendar come Jan 1st was far too much! For years and years my only resolution that was big and bold at the top of my list was 'Get pregnant' and 2016 made that dream come true. The only thing that I truly want from this year is health and happiness for my family, what they truly deserve...these next points are more little goals to keep me focused!
Goals for 2018
  • Move House-Preferably without any hiccups along the way but you can never ask for too much. I am just looking forward to the day when that last cardboard box gets unpacked and you can finally enjoy your new place. Leo will never remember his first home at Hubbert's Bridge but it will always hold its's place in my heart...the first house we bought, finding out we were pregnant, bringing our little man home from hospital and all of the wonderful memories since. 
  • Blog-To not put too much pressure on myself but to try and post at least once a week. I find it so therapeutic and it still fascinates me that someone out there wants to read this so I may as well give them something good!
  • Save more money-Easier said than done but I'll be doing my best!
  • Swim more-I love it, Arron loves it and Leo absolutely loves and yet we haven't been since September so I aim to make a change to that!
  • Maximise family time-In 2017 I soaked and absorbed in all of my wonderful memories with the two most important men in my life and I fully intend on doing the same this year. Time with my boys, friends and family means a lot to me!
  • Live Simpler-I am a self confessed hoarder and it often means that I am left with more junk than I physically know what to do with! Our new home is a fresh start for me so I really want to live with less and have a more simple, clean and happy house. 
  • Eat more fruit-If Leo can then why can't I?!
  • Travel more-France in January is just the beginning! I love getting on a plane and jetting off but more than anything I really love exploring the UK.
  • Learn to cook more-I love cooking and have a good set of recipes in my 'repertoire' but I'd love to be more competent in the kitchen and bake more too.
  • Be and make my loved ones happier!-Definitely not just myself, I want to do everything that I can to really help everyone that I love make 2018 the best year yet. 
And last but not least for all of you wonderful people, thank you for all of the support in 2017 and here's to an amazing and exciting 2018...


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