8 month update

With the madness (wonderful madness) of these last few months I cannot believe how quick time is going. This morning I was tidying my living room and found my diary from last year that documented my final five months of pregnancy and Leo's first months may-december. I have kept a diary for years and years, starting back when I met my (now) husband in 2010 and have written a page religiously since. This year I vowed to stop. This may sound weird but I got so invested in writing a page everyday that it became a chore and I was becoming obsessed with completing this one task. I'm happy that I stopped but one thing that I never want to happen is to forget these baby months and I am certain I never will. My newborn is now a sitting, laughing, teething, crawling (almost) little boy and I thought it would be nice to do a monthly update for him these last three months leading up to his first birthday (what?!)

Name: Leo Geoffrey Sunny
Age: 8 months and 12 days
Weight: 20'9/9.35 kg
Hair: Lots of lovely soft brown hair, getting thicker and curlier by the day!
Eyes: Brown and pretty sure they are staying that way.
Milestones this month: First tooth! Bottom set on the left.
Crawling? Not quite but rolling like a mad man and shuffling backwards.
Things that make me laugh: Playing peek-a-boo, tickling, Finley the dog and Coco the cat! He laughs at most things, he is the happiest baby I've ever met.
Favourite toy: Anything that makes a noise but probably his ELC activity cube.
Favourite food: Sweet potato!
Bottles per day: Between 3 and 4 -Usually 8am, 12pm, 4pm and 7pm.
Bedtime: 7-8pm depending on  how tired he is!
Hours of sleep: Totally dependent on the particular night, one night can be 12+hours and the next he's up every hour but generally he just wants a quick cuddle and goes straight back to sleep.
Noises: Lots of epic baby talk that I'm sure makes lots of sense to him, just not to us quite yet!
Clothes size: 9-12 months
Favourite thing to do: Have a bath and playtime.


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