Love Keep Create

The bigger that my boy gets, the more nostalgic I feel about the tiny newborn baby grows that still hang in his nursery (the nursery that is still unused as I cannot bare for Leo to be out of our bedroom just yet!) How was he ever that tiny? How has he grown so quickly? Questions I spent my very last week of maternity leave spinning around my head gazing at the little boy that has changed my life so much for the better these past nine months. I want him to grow and develop and learn...I want him to be confident and brave and become this lovely little boy but I also want to remember the newborn days. 
Days when I was so tired I forgot what year it was let alone the day or month. Days of endless outfit changes and so much breastfeeding I think I wore him like an accessory but they were bliss. That is why this is so special to me.

Leo got so many amazing presents for Christmas (too many! It’s a good job we’re getting a bigger house soon) and one of these was a gift voucher for an online company called Love Keep Create. They create bespoke teddies, cushions and keepsakes made from your loved ones clothes. I have seen beautiful pillows made from a grandfathers old shirt and a bear from a baby grow and they are all so amazing. I thought this was the perfect gift and ordered Leo a lion made from his newborn baby grows straight away. I put the voucher code in, entered the details that I wanted embroidered on the teddy and sent it off. Collecting the clothes was easy! I still had all of baby bear’s newborn clothes and picked my four favourite pieces to send off. Fast forward four weeks later and Leo’s bespoke teddy had been delivered. 

I love it so much and would recommend this company to anyone with a little one or struggling to find a gift for someone! Even better as Mother’s Day is fast approaching (my first as a ‘proper’ mummy-my last one spent waddling and dreaming of the boy I call my son)! Thank you Love Keep Create and the thoughtful couple that bought us the voucher for it! It means no matter how big our bear gets we will always remember just how tiny he once was. 


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